
For thousands of years, humans have imagined God almost exclusively in masculine terms, using male metaphors such as “Father” to the point where “He” has become God’s identity on earth for much of its population. The truth is that God’s being is truly incomprehensible to us. Many theologians assure us that it is entirely appropriate to image God in feminine as well as masculine terms. In fact, the Bible gives us many feminine images of God in both the Old and New Testaments. This lecture explored some of those feminine images with the hope of broadening our understanding of our incomprehensible God. Ruthi Mitchell is a 2013 and 2016 graduate of Lourdes University with a BA in English and an MA in Theology, respectively. A self-proclaimed “research rat,” she has made a lifetime hobby of digging into history’s stories, both the famous and the obscure. This particular class was part of her MA in Theology Capstone presentation entitled “Reclaiming the Cross: Towards a Feminist Christology.”

The lecture was part of the Lifelong Learning program at Lourdes University.