Learn Online: Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow

Employing its expertise in video production, content distribution, K-12 educational resource development, and Web services, WGTE Public Media has launched KNOWLEDGE STREAM, an online archive of free, video-on-demand multimedia resources for the public and for educators.

Multimedia resources are produced by videotaping and packaging presentations made not only by authors, historians, scientists, artists and many others who visit the greater Toledo area, but also by local governmental entities, such as city councils, school boards and others.

KNOWLEDGE STREAM captures, manages and disseminates knowledge online at knowledgestream.org, where the public and educators can easily access rich content anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

Rich Media

KNOWLEDGE STREAM engages public and educational audiences by enabling them not only to view material online but also to rate it, comment on it and tag it. Interactivity enables KNOWLEDGE STREAM users to connect better with the content and each other, as they create a rich environment of knowledge and information sharing.

Classroom Experience

WGTE Public Media, working with teachers, will also repurpose many of the presentations to provide rich content for use by K-12 teachers and students in the classroom.

Relevant long-form presentations will be edited to produce short video segments suitable for classroom use. Teachers will create lesson plans and add more content, which will be aligned to Ohio's Academic Content Standards by using WGTE Public Media's online Academic Content Standard Wizard.

By finding more uses for great content, teachers, students and parents will have access to a rich, free online library of learning materials.

Grow Knowledge Stream

You can suggest an event for videotaping by completing the form under "Suggest Event," and we will review your request. WGTE Public Media is interested in videotaping events and speakers that provide educational value and have general public interest. WGTE reserves the right to deny or cancel a taping of an event at its discretion.

Events we will not consider include:

  • Performances
  • Recitals
  • Religious services
  • Sporting events
  • Commercial messages
  • Political campaigning
  • Classes, e.g., workshops, trainings, etc.

If you have any questions, send an e-mail to knowledge_stream@wgte.org.